Saturday, June 30, 2012

Feliz Cumpleaños, Anna Rose

Feliz Cumpleaños, Anna Rose

On July 1, 1986,
Anna Rose Hammon entered the world
in Boise, Idaho, changing our lives forever.
Today, July 1, 2012,
Anna Rose Johnson turns 26-years-old,
is the mother of two absolutely beautiful children,
runs half marathons,
creates amazing projects for the ever-popular “How-to-gal” blog,
writes for,
serves in the Young Women’s in her ward,
plays the piano beautifully,
grows a fruitful garden next her back patio,
does anything she sets her mind to do,
and basically dazzles anyone who meets her.
But she is still our Rosie Cakes,
that sweet little girl who came to us, 
directly from our Heavenly Father, 
as a miracle and continues to be a miracle in many lives.
We love you, Anna Rose.
May you enjoy a most spectacular birthday!
Many Feliz Cumpleaños to you from the Dominican Republic. 



Dear Chicka said...

Thank you for the post dad! I love you! Also, I am very thankful that I grew out of that totally awkward/ugly stage you have displayed in picture #3. :)

Caught in the Web said...

That was quite the phase. Buuut, you have definitely grown out of it! I think baby William looks exactly like dad in that one picture.