So, here are the newlyweds after one month. They had a good time at the Puyallup reception. So many people came and gave their hellos and counsel. Joseph's little brother Eric went around with a video camera and asked everyone to give their counsel to Hailey and Joseph. After the reception, we all watch it at the Keller home. Funny. Funny. Funny. The most quoted line usually came from the men who graciously counseled Joseph as to what he should say in all situatons, "Yes, Dear."
Bonnie and Travis joined us as well. They had to drive a couple of hours. It was so fun having them there.
It was wonderful to have Anna Rose with us at the reception. She stayed with us for a couple of days. Because of Christiaan's work schedule, he couldn't come with us, but we had a good time. We spent a bit of time at Pike's Place Market. What beautiful flowers they had! We bought a big bouquet for Mary. They were stunning.
This is Mt. Rainier and sits stoically by Puyallup. Can you imagine, waking up every single morning and seeing this outside your window? It would be totally awesome. The first day when we came in, you couldn't see it because of the clouds. But on the day of the reception, we could see it clearly. How majestic is this?
love your blog man
I have not seen any of the pictures from the Puyallup reception, so it was nice to see these.
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