Yup, it looks like my baby Hailey found another man--Joseph Aaron Keller of Puyallup, Washington. They were married in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple in Utah on August 23, 2008. It was a beautiful wedding followed by a extremely wonderful lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Linden. Dennis was there to do his thing: take pictures. Anna Rose and Christiaan were there. Plus, Delaina, Keith, and Andrew motored from Rigby. Joseph's parents and his grandparents came. Joseph's parents, Todd and Mary Keller, are such good people, and they have taught Joseph well. Todd is currently Bishop Keller and has served about seven years. We look forward to the reception in Puyallup, Washington, at the end of September. We have gained a wonderful son-in-law in Joseph.
The Cheyenne reception was on Saturday, August 30, a week after the wedding in Utah. Lou Jean, Sarah, and LaWane were there to help. And what great help they were. I trundled to Fort Collins on Friday to pick up the cakes. They were beautiful and delicious (and very expensive). We decorated the Church in browns and greens. Overall, it looked stunning! We attempted to keep the reception simple and small. Thus, we invited just a few close friends, some members of the ward, and some people from the College, mostly the President's Cabinet and the Board members.
It's rather odd, actually, to know that both our daughters have found young men whom they love deeply. Hailey still calls every day; so, that hasn't changed--yet. Joanne loves to chat with her, and I think Hailey loves to chat with us. They are both enrolled at BYU-Provo. I think--maybe hope--this is Hailey's last year at BYU unless she decides to complete a minor in international relations. Joseph still has a couple of years and then graduate school. They will do fine.
The reception was so beautiful and Joseph and I loved being in Wyoming with you.
Dad, although Joseph is my husband, you will always be the first man in my life. I love you so much!
I miss you even more.
I feel honored to hear this. I love you tons, my dear.
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