Who says 55+ people cannot do big trimming and cutting projects?
For three Saturdays, our little band from the Sunset Court HOA with some help from family and neighbors pulled off a feat that still leaves many of us with our heads shaking. We trimmed, cut, climbed trees, clipped, sawed, and dragged limbs and branches from several trees around the HOA. Some of them had not been trimmed in over 15 years.
Limbs and branches sprouting from places they shouldn’t have been were removed and tossed into a huge bin provided by the City of Provo. To fit so many limbs and branches in the bins, we had to recut and stamp them down.
Led by the HOA Board consisting of Debbie Weatherhead, Charlene Christensen, John Rawlings, George Biesinger, and Darrel Hammon, we all accomplished many things:

- 3 full Saturdays in a row.
- 100’s of woman/man/children hours.
- 60 trees trimmed.
- 2 dead trees completely cut down (Thanks, John!)
- 3 bins heaping with branches, limbs, and leaves.
- 14 out of 37 households participated in the work.
- 3 of those households had family members come participate.
- 2 families from surrounding neighborhoods participated.
- 80+—the age of the oldest participant.
- 6—the age of the youngest participant.
- 1 person fell off a ladder. No injuries.
- 20,000+ steps in one day for many participants hauling branches and limbs from the cutting spots to the bin.
- 1 blackeye (actually more green and yellow) from a limb reaching out and causing a major cut over the eyebrow.
- Several cutting and trimming tools were used.
- Janese's nice Gorilla wagon was put to good use.
- Several back and shoulder aches, sore toes, and a host of other “health-related issues.”
- Muscles used (maybe even abused) and stretched more than in many previous years.
- A few admonitions from children and grandchildren for working so hard “at such an age….”
- Approximately $30,000+ saved.
- Numerous memories that will be indelibly etched in our minds and bodies.

We are sure that people driving by and watching us hack and saw and cut limbs and haul and drag the trimmings from large and small trees were amazed or awed by the power and strength in “more mature people” working their astute trimming skills. Or they may have thought, “What is wrong with these people?”

Nonetheless, we persevered three Saturdays and other days during the week and performed a mighty work. We are proud of all of you!
Thanks to the City of Provo, particularly Skyler, for bringing three different bins and picking up three full bins of natural waste to be used in mulch in the summer.
We thank all of you who participated! You were—and continue to be—amazing in everything that you do!
It was a big project that created unity and solidarity and saving the HOA money!
Cannot wait until next year! Stay tuned for Round 2!
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