Builders of Nations
Darrel L. Hammon
have played an important role in my life—my mother, my four sisters, my wife,
my two daughters, my mother-in-law, and many of my teachers. Because of them, I
am what I am and will ever be. While that is a bold statement, it is true. Take
for example, my mother.
I loved to do most is pick raspberries with my mother. Early in the a.m., the
sun rising in the east, mother and I tied gallon buckets around our waists with
yellow baling twine. Mother showed me how to lift the vines gently with a
leather glove on the left hand and pick with the right, each berry gently
placed in the bucket. She went down one side of the row; I on the other side.
Often, the only sounds were rustling leaves and feet moving down the row. Then,
her voice pieced the air: “Darrel, bend a bit lower and pick the big hidden
ones, hanging on the lower limbs.” I kneeled down, careful not to knock the
fruit off—and there they were, the succulent ones. This lesson of not overlooking
anything, even the berries best hidden, required a bit of bending much like
prayer. While I didn’t consider it work, I learned to work because of what my
mother taught me during those early raspberry-picking mornings.
Joanne |
consider my wife. She is truly my best friend and has been for thirty-three
years. We have experienced exceptional times and trying times. We have moved
from Idaho to Montana to Wyoming and now the Dominican Republic. I asked her
the other day where she would like to live when we return home from our
mission. She said, “Anywhere with you.” We are enjoying so much serving
together in the Caribbean Area. Who knew what a wonderful companionship we
would make.
truly believe mothers are essential in the building of character in the lives of
their children. It is so evident in the lives of our two daughters—Anna Rose
and Hailey. They are mostly what they are because of the influence of their
mother. She chose to stay home with them. She fixed them lunch every day, even
in high school when they would bring their friends over to eat. She made their
dresses. She volunteered in their elementary classes; she made sure she was
part of the parent-teacher organization; she even substituted in their high
school classes. During their young women days, Joanne was their young women’s
leader—always serving, always being there, continuously buoying them up when
they need that extra boost, and inculcating in them that righteous desires and
deeds reap righteousness. Now, Anna Rose is a mother of two; and Hailey will be
a first-time mother in September.
truly demonstrate how they feel about their mother on this glorious Mother’s
Day, I asked them to pen a few words:
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Anna Rose and Joanne |
Anna Rose:
I write this note, my lap is home to one of the cutest little boys I know, William
Luke. Named after his father and my mother's father I can't help but think of
my own sweet mother. She was here once, looking down on me with the same love I
feel for baby William, hoping I would sleep through the night...loving me even
if I didn't. I see her in the patience I strive for with Emiline. I see
her in the songs Emi and I sing together. I see her in my crafty projects. I
see her in my day to day living. My mother is in everything that I am. She
taught me, sang to me and showed me what a mother should be. A mother is a
friend, a confidant, a teacher, an example, a nurturer, an angel. My mother is
the ideal example and I feel blessed to have her influence and love in my life.
I celebrate her today and everyday...for there is no greater role than that of
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Joanne and Hailey |
always describe Mom as being the perfect 1950's housewife. She always kept the
house clean, had dinner ready and on the table when dad got home from work,
made us breakfast, had snacks ready for us when we got home from school ... and
she did it all with a smile, although sans pearls. I never heard her complain
about any of her motherly duties, ever. She was always willing to serve and
made sure that everyone was 100 percent satisfied before she took care of
mother is extremely unselfish. She always had my best interests at heart
and supported me in everything I ever did. She always laughs at my jokes and
makes me feel so happy and loved when I am around her.
mother is patient. She is kind. She is loving and just plain amazing. I know
that, now that I am going to be a mother, she is who I will look to for advice.
It is the memories of her greatness from which I will draw inspiration to help
raise my own children.
I love you so much and feel beyond blessed that I was able to have a mother
like you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and role model. Thank you
for always helping me when I needed it, picking me up when I am down and giving
me encouragement when I need it.
are beautiful and smart and fantastic.
LOVE YOU, MOM! Love, Hailey Jean.”
you sense a greater tribute to a mother than kind words from their daughters? Once
you watch a young woman, listen to her speak, monitor how she behaves, observe
her mannerisms and then meet and spend some time with her mother, you will
quickly discover the similarities. It’s uncanny but true.
President Uchtdorf said, "We are living in a great season for all women in
the Church. Sisters, you are an essential part of our Heavenly Father's plan
for eternal happiness; you are endowed with a divine birthright. You are the
real builders of nations wherever you live, because strong homes of love and
peace will bring security to any nation" (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf,
"The Influence of Righteous Women," Ensign, September 2009, pp.7–8).
and women all over the world—Thank you for what you have done, what you do, and
what you will continue to do over and over again: That is loving your children,
helping them grow and develop, and nourishing and nurturing them. Yes, “you are
builders of nations.” Nations will rise and fall as a result of the teachings
of the mothers of the children. May our Heavenly Father bless you all, today,
and forever.
Hailey, Joanne, and Anna Rose |
you, Joanne, for being the mother to our two daughters, and now grandmother to
our two grandchildren and one on the way. They are special because you are
special. They are wonderful because you are wonderful. They are incredible
because you are incredible. Thank you for being you. I love you.
This is so great, Dad. Thanks for putting this together ... although the picture you used of me couldn't have been worse. Ugh.
Do you have a better one of you and Mom? If so, please send it to me. I tried to use one when you were here in the DR.
What a lovely post on Mother's Day. I am glad to see you are doing well. I had been looking for you off and on for quite some time. I am a former student of yours. One of your rotten 9th grade English students from MHJHS, '84-'85. Maiden name is Kristi Crook.
Kristi Crook.....Wonderful news from you! Rotten 9th grade students--hardly. It seems to me you were one of the good writers in 9th grade, if I am not mistaken. I would love to hear from you. My email is darrel.hammon@gmail.com. As you might have guessed, we are currently serving a mission for the LDS Church in the Dominican Republic. We have been here for about nine months are are enjoying ourselves. I see that you are a runner. Take care.
By the way, Kristi, thank you for the comments. It was a fun post, mainly because I love my wife and my two daughters. If you remember in 1985 in class, I announced that my wife was pregnant. She sent me both a pink and a blue carnation to announce the news, and they were delivered to my room.
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