Monday, November 20, 2023

“We Live in Momentous Times”

Poem of the Day, Monday, November 20, 2023

“We Live in Momentous Times”

We Live in Momentous Times.
Just look out the window,
check out the changing
of the weather, the rains,
the snows above 6,000 ft,
and clouds loaded
with snow, thick and white.
You cannot help but feel something
is a brewing just across the mountains,
even just across the street.
But think of what is happening
all around us and in our lives—
temples scattered across the globe,
more missionaries and senior missionaries
than we have ever seen before;
a dozen or so of new missions;
prophets and seers traveling the globe,
teaching about belonging,
the gospel of Jesus Christ
and bringing people unto Christ
with an emphasis on temples and covenants;
messages to the youth, young single adults,
and the rest of us, plowing through life,
no matter the challenges or barriers;
prophetic invitations to do better,
think Celestial, eradicate contention,
seek peace, focus on education
of all throughout the world;
emphasis on personal revelation
and listening to and heeding
prophetic counsel, the purposeful
message of loving thy neighbor
in such tumultuous times;
the rapidity of change
in everything around us,
and so many, many more.
Surely, there has never been
a better time to live upon the earth.
Yes, we live in momentous times,
saved especially for us in these latter days.

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