MACILE: A Program of Hope Through Education
Algunos de los Estudiantes--Some of the students |
What is more fun than spending time with incredible young people and
sharing with them leadership principles and values? Not much!
Nemir, Lineirys, Ani, y Darrel |
We had the great opportunity to return to the Dominican Republic and
work with a group of students who are in the
MACILE Program, a program that
focuses on the STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
MACILE is the acronym for these subjects in Spanish.
Now, how did we get involved?
Dra. Vargas y Dr. Zometa |
Just before we finished our mission at the end of January, we met Dra.
Claudina Vargas in the fruit and vegetable aisle at
La Sierna in Santo Domingo. She approached us because she had seen
our missionary plaques. She asked us if we knew anything about the
AsociaciónDominicana de Rehablitación (ADR). Thankfully, we had worked with Señor Arturo
Pérez, the Executive Director, and Dr. Carlos Zometa, the “do everything”
person at the A
DR, on a wheel chair humanitarian project. The ADR, Señor Pérez,
and Dr. Zometa are incredible people and strive to help everyone they can.
The summer academy classroom |
We then began discussing education and the reason why Dra. Vargas was
in the DR. She is actually a Dominicana, born and raised in Itabo, a small
community tucked away between la Zona Franca and the oil refineries between
Haina and San Cristóbal. She was fortunate and left Itabo, went to Spain to study,
then found her way to
California State University at Long Beach for Master’s in
Economics and then to the University of
Iowa where she earned her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. She has
taught, researched, and spent time as a Visiting Professor at
Brigham YoungUniversity (BYU).
Tres estudiantes |
The program also includes language and focuses on improving learning in
the STEM disciplines in less-advantaged communities in the Dominican Republic.
Since then she has been working with six different schools in the Itabo–San Gregorio
de Nigua (Ytabo) region, where she come from.
This is a laguna where Claudina used to swim as a child |
2007, Dr. Vargas selected the region of Ytabo to start the MACILE Program, a
program based on the STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and
mathematics. The program also includes language and focuses on improving learning
in the STEM disciplines in less-advantaged communities in the Dominican
Republic. Since then she has been working with six different schools in the Itabo–San Gregorio
de Nigua (Ytabo) region, where she come from.
Two teachers (dos maestras): Antonia y Celestina with la Dra. Vargas |
She asked me to be on the Board of Directors of COSOLA (Complex Systems
Optimization Laboratory), the organization that founded
MACILE in the Dominican
Republic. Of course, I said yes to this volunteer position. Additionally, she
invited Joanne and me to the DR to help with the summer program.
Los estudiantes |
So, during nine days, beginning July 20 and ending July 29, we spent
time with a small group of incredibly bright young people with promise whose
desire is to change their lives and their circumstances. During the week, we
discussed leadership principles and values. The culminating activity was
developing an action plan. I was extremely impressed with students’ mission,
vision, and objectives. They understand where they want to go, and
help them achieve these goals with support, mentoring, and scholarships.
Students preparing the "course" to program their robots
Robot runs the course |
Additionally, Dra. Vargas taught math, science, chemistry, and
robotics! Yes, robotics! Students had to program the robots to run a course.
Elder y Hermana Haws with Dra. Vargas |
Elder and Sister Haws came to visit on one of the days to see the robots in
action. Elder Haws is an engineer and loves this kind of stuff.
Darrel with the teachers. Claudio, one of the students, is technical support |
On one of the evenings, Dra. Vargas, Joanne, and I met with four
teachers—Antonia, Celestina, Kirssi, and Alejandro—who have been helping with
the program. We explained to them what
MACILE was doing and what we were
teaching the students during the week. I found these four to be engaged,
committed, and willing to help these young people achieve their goals. Their
enthusiasm was contagious! We talked until 10:00 p.m. about
MACILE and the
leadership principles and values.
Some of the parents. The sister in white is the aunt (tia) of Ani |
The next evening we met with all of the parents of the students who
were enrolled in the summer program. Again, we introduced
MACILE and its
mission, and I shared with them leadership principles and values we were
teaching and how mothers and fathers were the most important leaders and
teachers in their homes. The parents were enthused. They were proud of their
Some of the students at the ADR |
Also, during the week, we visited the ADR and then the Centro de Empleo
(The Employment Center, now the Center for Self-Reliance) of the Church. The
Center is available to all for job-related services, including résumé writing,
career assessments, and workshops on self-reliance, entrepreneurship, and
English—all without cost to the participants.
LDS Employment Center (Centro de Auto-Suficiencia) |
As we were walking through the ADR and the Employment Center, I could
see their eyes of understanding open to the possibilities and the potential.
When we asked them what they had learned, one of the students said, “I didn’t
realize all of the help that was available, and it surprises me that people
will volunteer to help me succeed.” They all nodded. They got it! They
One of the schools we work with: Escuela de Itabo |
But we also know the harsh realities of where they live. Drugs,
prostitution, abuse, lack of educational opportunities, and other challenges
run rampant. They have obstacles to overcome. But when I visited with them,
they understand these challenges and know they must
superarlos (overcome the challenges). They know with
MACILE’s help,
they will be able to do it.
Leidy's mother, Leidy, and her brother Immanuel |
On Saturday, we met Leidy’s mother, the top student in the program, at
one of the restaurants in the famous
Colonial (Colonial Zone). This young woman is more than incredible. Her
mother is a single mother whose husband abandoned the family. Her oldest son
just received a full-ride, four-year scholarship to Michigan State. He was a
MACILE student. As we met and visited with her mother, you could tell she was
proud of them. She has struggled to make sure they did well in school—the power
of parenthood and, especially, motherhood.
Guests at Leidy's event |
The week with these young Dominicanos was spectacular! While we started
early and retired late and spent the days in the heat and humidity of a
Dominican summer, we felt filled and renewed. Yes, as we drove through Itabo,
Nigua, and all of
the little struggling communities, the challenges almost engulfed us. The
challenges bombard these young people on all sides—literally. Our small role
almost seems insignificant, but not to the young people of MACILE.
Nemir, Linerys, Anny, and Darrel |
think we may be going back to continue our work there.
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