Monday, March 8, 2010

Life can be such a jab

Life can be such jab—
in my gut,
to my head,
to my heart;
but yet when I think
of what I can learn,
should learn,
think of the positives,
those little nuggets,
I quickly—yet sometimes
reluctantly—begin to change
my view of things,
change what I want
to be or where I am
going; or what I need
to do.
Within time, sometimes,
more time than I wish
to give up,
I sense a change
in what I feel,
what I think,
what I actually do.
Yes, I still have doubts,
still wonder if I am treading
on soft ground,
or hard ground,
or ground that will swallow
me up within seconds.
But I tread on, knowing
that rocks and downed trees,
mucky slime
will try to block my continuance,
but I tread on,
like a good trooper,
finally realizing that I control
change, I control my life,
and sometimes it doesn’t go
the way I thought it would,
but it goes
and I go with it.


Dear Chicka said...

Beautiful, potent words dad. Love you.

Caught in the Web said...

I love you, too Dad. Remember, I am always praying for you. Fasting.

You can do it.

Darrel and Joanne Hammon said...

Thanks, you two, for the kind, gentle words. I need those.

Garth said...

Having seen in the Miles City Star last night the article that appeared in the Cheyenne newspaper, I understand your poem better. It's a very good meditation. Best wishes at this challenging time.

Darrel and Joanne Hammon said...

Thanks, Garth.